6 Reasons Why You Should Take A Girls Trip
About 2 weeks ago, a couple of my friends and I were packing our bags full of sexy swimsuits and freakum dresses all to celebrate our bride-to-be in one of my personal favorite cities ever, MIAMI! Every time I get to take a trip to Miami, I’m geeked! This was my 5th time in the city so I already knew what to expect. Like they say, “I’m not new to this, I’m true to this!” And although I didn’t know all of the ladies on the trip, I knew that I was destined to have a good time. I’m definitely the friend that’s yelling, “SHOTS! AND DON’T TAKE IT LIKE A LIL B#$%! Straight face, no chaser!” I get a bit ridiculous sometimes LOL.
As I was prepping for my trip I had a few people ask me the same question, which is ultimately the reason for this post.
Them: “Is your husband going to allow you to go? Is he going with you?”
Me: “Whet?”
Listen… YES, I am married. YES, I take girls trips. NO, my husband does not have a problem with it. Why should he?! I don’t even understand why people feel the need to ask unnecessary questions, and get all up in other people’s biz where they absolutely do not belong. Although I am married, I feel that girl time is necessary. I hadn’t been on a girls’ trip since my bachelorette party back in 2014, so I felt like I was well overdue. I felt like a child waiting on Christmas Eve for Santa to come down the chimney, and I couldn’t wait to celebrate this exciting, once in a lifetime experience with my girl!
Below, I’ve put together 6 reasons why you SHOULD take a girls trip if the opportunity presents itself.
1. It is OK to take a trip without your man.
I know… Some people get in relationships and feel they can’t be without their partner. Look at it this way. If you leave your man for a few days, he will miss you (hopefully), and you will most certainly miss him. When you finally get back home, you won’t be able to keep your hands off of each other! Then you will have “I miss you” sex, and hunny… THAT is some good sex. J
2. Girl talk.
True, real deal, girl talk. No sugar coating, no feeling awkward. This is the one time that you can find out what personal issues that you AND your girlfriend may be going through.
You: “Girl, for some reason I am constantly getting UTI’s and I don’t why or what to do.”
Friend: “OMG, me too! I went to my doctor and he gave me meds. I’ll send you the name so you can ask your doctor. It sucks so bad!”
See what I did there? Women need each other. We help each other, and uplift each other.
3. You can be your true, genuine self.
“Sorry yal, I have to pass gas. It may or may not stink.”
I’m not sure why men think that we are supposed to be perfect magical unicorns, but when you’re with your girlfriends, it’s all free game! I think that the only time that it’s acceptable for me to pass gas at home (without complaints) is when I’m sleeping. And even then… there’s a complaint first thing in morning. Lol
You can drink as much as you want. I’m not saying that you should drink until you can hardly see, but you can definitely drink probably more than you would at home. Your friends are your accountability partners. You come together, drink together, and make sure that you all make it back to the room together. There’s usually always one friend out of the group that doesn’t drink as much, just to watch the group (I am not her). And guess what? NO judgement zone. You’ll wake up in the morning, and you and all of your friends will piece together the night before over brunch.
5. Eat as much as you want.
I mean, why wouldn’t you? You’ve spent weeks, probably months leading up to the trip working your ass off to get that beach body on point. You’re out of town and have no one to judge you. I don’t know about you, but I’m eating all of the pizza that I can find. And if I get bloated? So what. I worked my ass off to get here. I deserve it!
6. You have all of the personal photographers you need.
You know that bomb photo that you want to take in the ocean with your hair blowing in the wind, while pretending that it’s an off guard? It’ll probably take about 50 or so photos to get that perfect shot, and your friends won’t complain! The other friends will be in the back screaming, “Yaaaasssss bish! Your hair better blow in the wind!”
So there you have it! All of the reasons why I feel like you should take a girls trip! And while there are always some moments where things don’t go as planned on these trips, they make one hell of a story. A story that only you and the girls on the trip will know about (girl code). Don’t get me wrong. I looooove my vacations with just my man more than anything, but every now and then, it’s good to get away and shake life (or relax) with just your girl tribe.
I mean seriously... Look how BOMB our bride-to-be looks!
Shout out to my girl Brittany! I was honored to celebrate with you and can’t wait to watch you strut down the aisle to the man of your dreams!
Thanks for reading! Until next time!