Life Update!


Wow. It has been an entire year since my last blog post. I think it’s safe to say that I took an official break. I had to for my own sanity. A lot has changed since last year! This time last year, I was struggling with a little bit of postpartum anxiety. I was back at work, my son had just started daycare, I was struggling with a hour-long commute to and from work, and I was facing some body image issues that I’d never had in my life. Everything changes so quickly once you have a baby, and I don’t think I was mentally prepared to take on those changes. Looking back, I don’t know how I made it out of those early days but I can honestly say that I’m currently living the life that I prayed so hard for back then.

There are just a couple of things that I should update you guys on:

1. I’m a podcaster! If you haven’t been following me on social media, my husband and I started a podcast in February 2018 titled “She & I Podcast”. We talk about marriage, relationships, kids, life changes, hot topics, and current events. We’ve done 2 live shows that were AMAZING! Now would be the perfect time for you to go on a binge and catch up on all 76 episodes! You can find the episodes here.

2. In October 2018, I became an entrepreneur. It has always been my dream to own a boutique, and now that dream has become a reality. Indy Boutique is my baby! Although growing slowly, it is still growing and I can’t wait to see how far I can take this. Please take a look! Use code: NEWHERE20 for 20% OFF your first purchase!

3. I quit my job this past May. SCARY STUFF! I felt the time was right, and I was told that if it isn’t helping you grow, you should let it go. It was time to test my faith, and I have so many dreams that my office job just couldn’t help me accomplish. Now, I’m a stay-at-home mom and I love it! Although this job comes with its own set of challenges, this will be the most fulfilling job to date.

Because of my many life changes, this has shifted the direction of my blog. Before, India Marie was mostly about fashion. Fashion will still live here, but it wouldn’t be fair to the woman that I’ve become if I didn’t also include motherhood, relationship challenges, beauty, travel, and all the things that make me who I am today. I hope that you’ll stick along for the ride. Welcome back!

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