Pregnancy + First Trimester
Hi there! Happy Wednesday and all of that good stuff! I apologize for taking these long breaks in between posts, but guys, pregnancy has been much more difficult than I ever expected it to be. Now that I’m done with my first trimester and halfway through my second, I feel that I can finally tell you all how great (but hard) of an experience this has been thus far.
I don’t believe I ever told you all how I found out. I found out super early, so it has been a long journey without alcohol! Not that I NEEDED it. But I found out before I even missed my period! Barrett and I were starting to try for a baby, but I didn't think it would happen so soon. Every year we go to Mississippi for the Fourth of July to see his family, and every year I end up drinking with all of his cousins and classmates. Barrett doesn’t drink so I would drink for him too. Double shot, please?! Judge if you want. But this year, I knew that there was a strong possibility that I could be pregnant.
Barrett picked me up from work that day so that we could hit the road as soon as I got off. Around about 4:00, I was sitting at my desk and something just felt off. I decided to rush to Target to get a pregnancy test because I knew that Barrett would be there soon. When I got back to work, I went to the restroom to take it and low and behold! I was pregnant! So much for waiting to take the test first thing in the morning! It was a total “oh sh$%!” moment, but I couldn’t stop smiling. About 15 minutes later, Barrett pulled up. I got in the car and I was sooooo awkward! The first thing he said to me was, “Why are you acting so weird?” Sheesh, he knows me so well. I decided not to tell him immediately because I had always pictured myself telling him that I was pregnant in this super cute, creative way. I was literally busting at the seams. After a 6 ½ hour drive, by the time we got to Mississippi that night, or morning, I couldn’t take it anymore. As we were getting ready for bed, I finally said, “I have something to tell you.” That was probably a very poor choice of words because that could be something really good or really bad, but I just had to say it!
Me: “I’m pregnant!”
Barrett: “No you’re not…”
Me: “Yes I am! *Shows him pregnancy test*
Barrett: “Really?!” *Starts smiling from ear to ear*
Barrett was literally cheesing like a kid in a candy store, and I don’t believe I’ve ever seen him smile like that. Everything has pretty much been a blur since then. As soon as I hit 5 weeks pregnant, the pregnancy symptoms kicked in. At 5 weeks, I was super short of breath. From 6 weeks until about 13 weeks, I had morning (all day) sickness. I would wake up sick, and wouldn’t start feeling better until about 7:00 PM. It’s crazy to be so happy and in love with the whole pregnancy process, but feel so terrible at the same time! At 20 weeks pregnant, I’m still sick, but the amount of time has shortened. I usually come back to life around about 1:00 PM every day. I can’t complain because at least I’m not sick for as long! I've been living on a saltines, ginger ale, and lemon diet. Out of all the nausea remedies, this has worked best for me.
I’ve always heard about crazy pregnancy hormones, but boy did I underestimate how serious it can really be! I find myself losing my sh%$ over the smallest things! Story time! Barrett decided to pick up dinner one night at Chick-fil-A. I told him to get me the Cobb chicken salad with ranch. I also told him to be sure to NOT get the Southwest salad because it is way too spicy for me to eat and it makes my stomach hurt. He said fine, and that he was going to get the Southwest salad because he had had it earlier that week for lunch and he LOVED it. While he was out, I got in the shower to prepare myself for bed. He got back and I was still wrapping up upstairs, so I guess he decided to start eating without me. I came downstairs and HE WAS EATING MY DAMN SALAD! So all I had to eat was this super spicy salad that I specifically told him I didn’t want. He offered to give me the rest of MY salad after he had already drenched it in some disgusting apple vinaigrette dressing. I. WAS. PISSED. I slammed the door, got in the car in my pajamas and drove back up to Chick-fil-A to get the salad that I should’ve had to begin with. I don’t think I spoke to Barrett until the next evening.
In hindsight, it probably wasn’t that big of a deal. But I think everyone should understand not to play with a pregnant lady’s food! Now I try to keep my emotions in check and breathe before I start cursing everyone out. It’s a daily struggle! The further along I get into my pregnancy, the more I start to feel like myself again. I’ve been doing a lot of self-reflecting, and really beginning to come to terms that my life is getting ready to completely change. Although a little scary, this is a change that I’ve dreamed about for so long and I can’t wait to hold baby Newsome in my arms in a couple of months.
20 Weeks Bumpie!
Prayers are appreciated! 20 weeks down, 20 more to go (hopefully)! I'll be doing a 2nd trimester update in a couple of weeks. Take care!